A couple weekends ago I tagged along with the AIESEC Kyambogo team on a trip to Jinja (surprisingly no red-heads here), a town about 75 mins outside of Kampala. The drive up was absolutely beautiful; rolling green hills, tea plantations, and Mariba Forest (one of Uganda's largest rainforests which you pass right through on the way to Jinja). The AIESEC team was conducting some community outreach work for a village that has recently had a massive well built for them by the organization SOS Malta. The organization was annoyed to find that the well has yet to be used since its construction, and thus asked AIESEC to meet with the villagers and rectify the problem. We learnt that the villagers were weary of the cleanliness of the water in the well, and fearful of their children falling down the hole. Here is the AIESEC team hard at work trying to engineer a practical solution.
My beautiful new BFFs, Ema and Daniel. Jealous? |
Although on this trip we stuck to the villages, Jinja is also home to the source of the Nile which is apparently beautiful. Ghandi even had some of his ashes scattered here! Must visit again to see if it's a request worth adding to my will.